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Cotton Street pedestrian bridge complete

During the virtual Macungie Borough Council meeting April 19, it was announced the Cotton Street pedestrian bridge is complete. Compliments were given to public works for completing the project.

The removal of the stop signs may require the creation of an ordinance which will be determined.

The question of the amount of taxpayer money used for the bridge needs further investigation.

Macungie police provided a monthly report including 152 dispatches.

There were two vehicle thefts in the borough which typically occurs so the catalytic converter can be removed. One vehicle was found close by and the other vehicle has not been located.

A situation during school hours with vehicles blocking roads during drop off and pick up was discussed. This problem is due to children returning to schools and not riding buses. Police are investigating.

The police are short-staffed due to illness and surgery. This was to be discussed during an executive session.

Council thanked public works for the repair of the water main break.

Borough Manager Peter Melan is working on a plan for reopening the borough. The first place to open will be borough hall. Signs will indicate the need for wearing masks. A plan for further reopening is in progress.

A resolution was approved for an open records officer. Melan was appointed.

Resolution 2021-07 was approved which allows local income tax to follow federal and state guidelines delaying the deadline to file taxes. Income tax returns are due by May 17. This does not pertain to real estate taxes.

Cleanup day was rescheduled for July. Further information will be announced.

Upper Milford Youth Association has suggested families looking for youth sports should check out their youth association.

Caution signs in bump outs are being reconsidered. There is a caution sign in the bump out by Salvatore’s Pizzeria, 174 E. Main St., Macungie, which was said to be in a bad location. This will be reconsidered.

PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZ Macungie Borough Manager Peter Melan is working on a plan to reopen the borough.