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LCCC Financial aid Zoom meetings

In anticipation of the financial aid priority filing deadline of May 1 for Pennsylvania state grant eligibility, Lehigh Carbon Community College will offer one-on-one virtual Zoom appointments to help students and prospective students complete the 2021-22 FAFSA application.

Current and incoming students will have the opportunity to work with a financial aid advisor to answer questions about the application and receive additional information that will be helpful as the student and their family prepare for college and the variety of funding options available.

Students can book virtual appointments online, with availability from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.

Once on the website, students should request to book a virtual appointment, select the main campus and choose student type.

The appointment type should be zoom, then select Financial Aid.

The student can select one of the financial aid staff members to find appointment times.

Hourlong appointments are available throughout April in preparation for the priority filing deadline.

Virtual appointments can be made online at studentservices.lccc.edu/ramonline.

The link is also available at LCCC.edu.

For additional information, contact Financial Aid at 610-799-1133 or finaid@mymail.lccc.edu.