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STUDENT PROFILE - Audrey Dai, Moravian Academy

Grade: 12

Family members: My family consists of my mom (Jane Zhang), dad (Jeff Dai), who works in Shanghai, and my younger brother Jonathan, an eighth-grader at Moravian Academy. We also adopted an 11-year-old cat Stripes earlier this year.

Favorite subject: My favorite subjects are my English and science classes. My English classes throughout my high school career, especially senior year, have helped me develop and pursue a lot of special interests, such as my graphic novel and film analysis electives. Science classes have allowed me to explore my interests in not only biology and environmental science, but also social sciences.

Activities: Yearbook staff-Editor of 2020-21 book; member of Green Team; vice president of Special Needs Awareness Club; Pride Mentor (selected by school/administration to help facilitate freshmen and new students’ transition to the Upper School); volunteering at local Chinese school

Next steps: I hope to pursue a career in either behavioral sciences or go the pre-law track.

Career goals: I want to have a job I am passionate about that also allows me to help others.

Heroes: A lot of people in my life are heroes. When I think of a hero, I think of someone who has their own moral values at heart but also listens to and acknowledges everyone’s voice. By doing so, the hero puts those values into actions that contribute to overall good.

Hobbies: My hobbies include watching movies, listening to music, drawing/painting and grocery shopping.

Current Job(s): I started working as my school’s swim team manager in my sophomore year.

Volunteer and community work: I volunteer at the local Lehigh Valley Chinese School every weekend and I was a cofounder of The Lion’s Clubhouse, a virtual volunteering opportunity to connect Moravian Academy’s Lower and Upper School students through various activity sessions during our summer in quarantine. I previously volunteered at Third Street Alliance and Wildlands Conservancy.

Likes: I love watching movies, listening to music, drinking coffee, going to grocery stores and traveling/learning about different cultures.

Dislikes: I dislike olives, pickles, stereotyping/typecasting, and people who feel entitled.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): My greatest accomplishment so far was stepping out of my comfort zone (I’m not the best public speaker) and presenting my op-ed on climate justice and the importance of education at a Festival Unbound event.

Advice for peers: Make sure to carve time out to relax and have fun, especially as a high schooler. Pursue and develop your interests – don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

Coordinated by Julie Swan

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.