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People say

By Dana Grubb

If your town was going to receive $33.7 million in federal COVID relief funds, how would you like to see it used?

“Probably enlarge our hospitals, improve highways, address litter clean-up, and fund organizations like Habitat for Humanity.” Judy Lapos Bethlehem
“In my opinion, we need what matters the most and that to do whatever it takes to get everybody vaccinated. Once that happens, everything else pales by comparison.” Hamoon Eshraghi Jersey City, NJ
“Probably just restore the downtown by helping local businesses.” Matt Lacko Bethlehem
“Insuring that everybody who couldn't access healthcare during COVID could receive assistance. A lot of people had to push things off.” Codi Dapper Bethlehem
“Help small businesses that have been affected, the employees who couldn't work, and get schools open with all the kids back in school.” Erin & Gary Cintron Rocky River, OH
“Helping people get back to work and something to help the eviction problem when that moratorium ends.” Thomas Richardson Denver, CO