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MAMA’S MUSINGS Unintended consequences

I recently started posting my columns to Instagram, in hope of growing my audience, and for the ease of adding them to Facebook simultaneously. This had a surprising result: A number of men started to follow me on Instagram.

At first it was intriguing. I tried following a few back. What I found, however, is men seeking relationships, from far away. I quickly discovered something else: I don’t like online relationships.

I wasn’t expecting that. After all, I use social media to keep in touch with a lot of friends, since I don’t really enjoy phone calls. I talk more with my hands and eyes that my mouth, which is a real disadvantage on an audio call. And I use Zoom for my jobs, and that is enough online video communication for me.

The other thing I didn’t enjoy was the demands of the guys online. “Where are you? What’s taking you so long to reply?”

Uh, let’s see. Two jobs. The responsibilities of single motherhood. I could go on, but that’s really enough. Oh, and have I mentioned my lack of patience? There is also my ex. Our relationship is over, but he still manages to upset me often, and that skews the lens I view potential relationships through.

So I learned two things. Online dating is not going to work for me. Seeing someone in person matters too much to me.

The other thing? I am no longer adding my own picture to my columns on Instagram.

Someday, soon, I will be ready for a relationship. But it’s not today, and it will not be online.

By Lani Goins