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Northampton Community College

Opioid epidemic program April 19

Northampton Community College will hold an online program on understanding the opioid epidemic and the disease of addiction from 10 a.m. to noon April 19. The highly accredited instructor has a private practice for 20-plus years and speaks at Lehigh and Rutgers universities on the topic.

For the link to class, for registration and more information: northampton.edu/lifelearn. Click on Adult Personal Enrichment, Prime Time, and Browse Catalog.

Dual enrollment information sessions offered

Northampton Community College is holding dual enrollment information sessions via Zoom at 6 p.m. on April 14, 15, 19 and 21. The sessions cover jump starting a college career and earning transferable credits toward a future degree.

The presentations include information about the benefits, costs, application process, how to register for classes and scholarship opportunities for current high school students taking college prep, honors/AP or career/technical coursework. To register, visit info.northampton.edu/de-info-sessions.

Financial aid sessions offered

Northampton Community College will hold a free, virtual financial aid information session at 4 p.m. April 21 and 7 p.m. May 6. The about one hour event highlights understanding options when it comes to paying for college, from filling out the FAFSA application to different scholarship opportunities available. For information, visit https://info.northampton.edu/virtual-admissions-events#financial-aid