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Visit the Bethlehem Area Public Library at 11 E. Church St. (main) or- 400 Webster St. (SouthSide branch) or visit www.youtube.com/channel/UCsuAN4Af6kv3jQl1us_WkWQ/featured and www.bapl.org/events/categories/virtual-events for a variety of items. Bethlehem Area Public Library, Library staff will be available by phone at 610-867-3761 (main-11 W. Church St.) or 610-867-7852 (SouthSide branch- 400 Webster St.) For chat service and for general information, visit www.bapl.org (main) or at www.facebook.com/paBAPL or www.bapl.org/ssmain.htm (SouthSide).

BAPL Main, South Side, and Coolidge

Now offering public computers in addition to limited and by appointment browsing. Masks are required as is standard social-distancing protocol. The procedure is different at each location. For questions, call ahead of time.

Main Library

Normal hours. No appointment required for browsing; computer sessions limited to 30 minutes per day. First floor access only; children’s books are available on the first floor. Second floor items may be retrieved by a librarian.

South Side Branch

Limited hours: Monday through Thursday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Appointments are recommended to browse. Call 610-867-7852 to make an appointment. No appointment required to pick up reserved items. Computer sessions limited to 30 minutes per day; please call ahead.

BAPL Coolidge (Bethlehem Township)

Hours: Tuesday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Second Saturday of the month: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. No appointments required for browsing; limit your session to 30 minutes per day. Computers limited to 30 minute sessions. Call 484-892-6267 to reserve materials to pick up.


No public reading areas or meeting rooms are available. All events are held virtually; refer to the BAPL calendar for details. All library locations continue to offer “grab and go” check-out, which means you can place books or other items on reserve and pick them up with your library card at the door if you do not feel comfortable coming in.

Virtual Story Times and Programs

available on BAPL’s YouTube and Facebook pages and Spike’s Campground

Fines and overdues updates:

BAPL has not been charging overdue fines for any library items during the past year due to the difficulties caused by the pandemic. Going forward, as of April 5, any items checked out will be subject to overdue fines if returned late. The updated (and reduced from previous) overdue fees are: 20 cents per day on DVDs, video games (both formerly one dollar per day), books and other items. There is no reserve fee at this time. Library items will still be quarantined after being returned; this will not impact fines. They still may show up as checked out on your record until the quarantine period has ended.

Main Library - 11 W. Church St.

Call 610- 867-3761 or visit www.bapl.org.

through April 24

STEM project: make your own kite that will actually fly (grades K-5) . Stop by the Main Library and pick up a kite kit with everything that you will need to make your kite. Kits are available while supplies last.

Celebrate Earth Day with inspiring stories and a take-away activity packet (Grades K-5). Watch the story presentation on Bethlehem Area Public Library’s Facebook or YouTube channel. Pick up your packet, while supplies last, in the Youth browsing area on the first floor of the Main Library.

Wednesday, April 14

Virtual Homework Help, grades K-12, Moravian College America Reads program tutors. 4 to 6 p.m. Click on https://moravian.zoom.us/j/94245474243 to be placed in a waiting room, then moved to a break out room to work with a trained and cleared as per required tutor for a 30 minute session. No registration is needed. For information, visit www.bapl.org

Friday, April 16

Storytime on Facebook live. 10-10:30 a.m. for all ages every Friday. Search “Bethlehem Area Public Library” on Facebook and join us for stories and songs.

Monday, April 19

Virtual Homework Help, grades K-12, Moravian College America Reads program tutors. 4 to 6 p.m. Click on https://moravian.zoom.us/j/94245474243 to be placed in a waiting room, then moved to a break out room to work with a trained and cleared as per required tutor for a 30 minute session. No registration is needed. For information, visit www.bapl.org

Tuesday, April 20

Registration required by April 20 for the Thursday, April 22 for BAPL Film Series: Ikiru (1952). View on Kanopy, discussion via Zoom. A bureaucrat tries to find a meaning in his life after he discovers he has terminal cancer. Directed by Akira Kurosawa. April 20. Email invitations for Zoom will be sent out the day prior to the event. Check spam folder or call the library if you do not see the invitation. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 21

Virtual Homework Help, grades K-12, Moravian College America Reads program tutors. 4 to 6 p.m. Click on https://moravian.zoom.us/j/94245474243 to be placed in a waiting room, then moved to a break out room to work with a trained and cleared as per required tutor for a 30 minute session. No registration is needed. For information, visit www.bapl.org

Lehigh Valley Audubon Society: S.O.S. Save Our Swifts by Saving their Urban Habitat: Modeling a Solution of Cooperation between Conservation and Development panel discussion, 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information or to make a booking for April 21, visit https://www.bapl.org/saveourswifts/ for more information about the series.

through Monday, May 10

PBS Smart Sacks monthly family virtual learning series. Take-away sack of crafts, videos, games, apps and offline activities for the various ages. Registration for the May series, The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That, ages 3-5, runs through May 10. To register for a series, visit https://forms.gle/A9ERJX6VHQqdnCxR9

SouthSide branch- 400 Webster St.

Call 610-867-7852 or visit www.bapl.org/events/ for information.

April 1 through 30

Spring Has Sprung for ages eight and under. Stop by the SouthSide branch, pick up a kit (while supplies last) and locate the signs of spring in the children’s department. Complete the tic tac toe and win a prize.

Thursday, April 22

Crayola art supplies for Family Fun Night. Pick up a kit (while supplies last) at the SouthSide branch.

Coolidge Building - 2740 Fifth St.

Visit www.bapl.org

Thursday, April 22

Earth Day moss ball squishy, earthy outside fun activity for all ages. Outside, rain or shine. Stop by the Coolidge Branch in Bethlehem Township between 11a.m. and 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

The Bethlehem Press calendar listings are, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of printing. We are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information submitted by external parties.