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Opening day!

Lehigh Valley anglers braved the freezing temperatures April 3 as the official statewide opening of trout season got underway.

It was a beautifully sunny morning, though temperatures hovered around 30 degrees at the 8 a.m. start time.

Unlike in previous years, all Pennsylvania counties had the same opening day in 2021. In theory, this coordination should lighten creekside crowds as people won’t travel to other counties for opening day.

Pennsylvania is thought to have some of the best trout fishing in the country as the state stocks more than 3 million trout in its streams and lakes. This includes rainbow, brown and brook trout.

State regulations mandate the minimum size for kept trout is 7 inches. There is a limit of five kept trout per day.

The Jordan Creek Parkway in Whitehall proved to be a very popular spot. The Gallagher Road area near Helfrich Springs Apartments was loaded with anglers.

Minsi Lake in Northampton County welcomed the return of trout fishing as the two-year dam replacement project is now complete. The project was done in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.

PRESS PHOTOS BY JIM WEBER Jordan Creek, in the area of Gallagher Road and Helfrich Springs Apartments in Whitehall, is ready for the opening of trout season April 3.
Anglers test the waters at the Coplay Creek in the Whitehall Parkway.
PRESS PHOTO BY JIM WEBER Ryan and Jillian Neary, of Gilbertsville, are bundled up as they head out to fish at the Jordan Creek Parkway in Whitehall for the opening of trout season April 3.