Published April 01. 2021 11:44AM
The Lower Macungie Township Community Center provided some Easter bunny outdoor fun March 27 despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Residents signed up for a specific time to drive into the parking lot and take a photo of their child with the socially distanced Easter bunny. Each child received a goody bag after their visit with the bunny. RIGHT: Sam and Alexander Zaleski, of Lower Macungie Township, eagerly await their moments with the Easter bunny at the event March 27 at the community center. PRESS PHOTOS BY SHARON SCHRANTZ
Harry and Nathan Snyder meet the Easter bunny March 27 at the Lower Macungie Township Community Center. Additional photos appear on Page A2.
Sophie and Kristian Przybyeski, of Lower Macungie Township, enjoy their gifts from the Easter bunny at the Easter bunny event.
PRESS PHOTOS BY SHARON SCHRANTZ Olivia and Ariana Rothrock have a chance to meet the Easter bunny.
The volunteers assisting March 27 for the Lower Macungie Township Easter bunny event include, left to right: Becky Bretzik, Denise Foulke, the Easter bunny (assisted by Renae Flexer), Bob Bieber, Anne Crossley and Angela Boyko.