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STUDENT PROFILE Katie Harper, Freedom HS

Grade: 12

Family members: My family members are Kim (mom), Tom (dad) and Allie (younger sister).

Favorite subject: My favorite subject is math because I love solving puzzles, and I have always seen math as puzzles that need to be solved. I like that there is always an answer I have to find.

Activities: Throughout high school I have participated in band, fife and drum corps, choir, theater, newspaper and Broadway Club.

Next steps: I plan on going to a four-year college and double majoring in mathematics and theater/drama, with a possible minor in Spanish.

Career goals: My dream is to be on Broadway, but I would also like to pursue a career in mathematics.

Heroe(s): My heroes are Caitlin Kinnunen and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Caitlin Kinnumen is a Broadway actress with Type 1 Diabetes, which I also have, who has shown me it is possible to have my dream career while also spreading awareness and managing life as a Type 1 Diabetic. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also one of my heroes because she is a strong role model for women everywhere, and she inspires me to stand up and fight for what I believe in.

Hobbies: My hobbies are singing, making art, playing instruments and reading.

Current job(s): I am a babysitter, but I haven’t been able to work because of the pandemic.

Volunteer work: I do most of my volunteer work with the Bethlehem Area School District.

Likes: I like music, theater and comedy.

Dislikes: I dislike rude people, ignorance and dishonesty.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): My greatest accomplishment so far is getting straight A’s in four AP classes while still being involved in five extracurricular activities and successfully managing my Type 1 Diabetes.

Advice for peers: Try not to take yourself too seriously and try to keep things in perspective. If something isn’t going to matter a year from now, it probably isn’t worth stressing over.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.

Coordinated by Julie Swan