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Weisenberg OKs plans for West Hills


Special to The Press

Weisenberg Township supervisors, during their March 8 virtual meeting, heard a request for final approval for West Hills Business Center Building H, at 2411 North Kistler Court.

Chris Fencel, with Hillwood Properties, said the plan received preliminary approval from supervisors Jan. 11 and also received recommendations from the planning commission.

The plan calls for a 105,000-square-foot distribution building at the corner of Golden Key and Seipstown roads, with main access from West Hills Court via North Kistler Court.

Fencel said township engineer Stan Wojciechowski submitted comments relating to the extension of a waterline across Golden Key Road to serve the fire station, as well as to update the landscape screening to include all native species.

Fencel added all technical comments have been addressed.

He noted the project was in the technical review phase to receive various permits to remove an existing pond and relocate a stream.

Supervisors voted to grant final approval.

Under new business, supervisors approved a request to advertise the 2021 road materials and joint oil bid, as well as a resolution setting an escalator clause for chip seal.

Administrator Brian Carl said the township had been contacted by organizers of the Erik Hirner Memorial Ride, a motorcycle drive which will honor a deceased Berks County and North Catasauqua firefighter.

He said PennDOT was requiring all municipalities being traveled through to submit a letter of approval.

Carl said the township had never received such a request before, and did not have a list of township roads which the drive would be using.

After discussions with Solicitor Peter Lehr, Carl said he would take a look at how other municipalities have responded to form a response for PennDOT.

In other matters, the board approved a motion to begin work on the Kuhns Hill Road culvert replacement.

Wojciechowski said the township should proceed with a precast, concrete arch pipe design and noted construction cost estimates, including a 20 percent contingency, totaled around $214,850.

He said an authorization request identifying all permitting and design requirements amounted to around $51,600 and construction administration and management costs were estimated to be around $10,000.

Lastly, the board approved an agreement with Made in the Shade for 2021 park lawn care services, at a cost of $395 per cut at both locations, with an allowance of $7,000 for fertilizer, bug control and other materials.

The next supervisors’ meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. April 12.

PRESS PHOTO BY SARIT LASCHINSKY At their March 8 meeting, Weisenberg Township supervisors granted final approval for construction of a 105,000-square-foot warehouse distribution facility for West Hills Business Center.