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EHS names student of the week

Q. In what grade are you currently enrolled?

A. I am currently a senior at Emmaus High School.

Q. Please provide the first names of your family members: parents, siblings and pets.

A. My family consists of my brother, Treagan, my mother, Sherri and my other mother, Patty.

Q. What is your favorite subject? Why?

A. My favorite subject is anatomy and physiology because I’ve always been fascinated by the human body and how it works.

Q. Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A. I have maintained Principal’s Honor Roll throughout my high school career and I have received the Award for Academic Excellence from the high school in ninth, 10th and 11th grades. In 10th grade, I won the English Award for Creative Writing from the high school and also in 10th grade I won the Players’ Player award on the volleyball team.

Q. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? How has COVID-19 impacted these activities?

A. I am involved in National Honor Society, as well as club and high school volleyball. In the case of NHS, COVID-19 has made it difficult to find places to volunteer and help out the community. For volleyball, I already had my entire junior season canceled and we’ve had to play a limited schedule for my club team this year. I’m just hoping for a high school season this year.

Q. What do you consider your biggest challenge to date?

A. My biggest challenge to date was becoming the starting setter on my high school volleyball team sophomore year. The team had made a run into states the past three or so years and I felt pressure to keep the streak alive as a young and relatively inexperienced volleyball player.

Q. What is your next goal after high school?

A. After high school I will be attending Misericordia University to major in biochemistry on a pre-doctor of physical therapy track.

Q. Whom do you admire? Why?

A. One person I admire is Kobe Bryant because his work ethic and determination is unmatched. He stopped at nothing to be the best version of himself at all times, no matter who was watching.

Q. For what would you like to be remembered?

A. I would like to be remembered as a good friend and a good family member and hopefully a good husband and father some day.

Q. Do you have any advice for your peers?

A. Some advice that I have for my peers is to take life one step at a time and enjoy yourself. Don’t let day-to-day stresses determine your quality of life.