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Approval granted for swing at Alburtis Park

Borough Manager Sharon Trexler delivered a dedication update to Hills at Lockridge residents at the March 10 council meeting.

At the last meeting, residents raised flooding concerns to Jaindl Land Development representatives and the council.

Trexler explained she and borough engineer Jeff Ott will reach out to homeowners and examine the affected properties. Following that, they will meet with Jaindl Land Development to discuss solutions.

In other news, council discussed installing a swing at Alburtis Park, a decision they tabled from last year.

Council President Ron DeIaco explained Trexler found the same swing for a less expensive price and would like to move forward with purchasing it. The council carried a motion permitting her to do so, with two oppositions.

In opposition, Council Vice President Steven Hill stated he felt the borough spent a lot of their budget on snow removal and they could save money by not purchasing the swing.

Next, resident Sherryann Oels reminded the council of the incident by the baseball field last year where a foul ball struck a car. The council discussed extending the fence to prevent any future disturbances.

Oels asked if some of the council could evaluate the area and extend the fence, as baseball season is approaching.

Council member John Aleszczyk opposed this idea.

“There’s no way you can just extend that fence to stop the ball from coming unless you put it up three telephone poles high, which costs an arm and a leg,” he said.

Oels persisted. “It’s something they need to look at because we’re going to continue to have a problem,” Oels said. “They say 90 percent of the foul balls end up in that person’s yard and they keep having damage.””

DeIaco proposed Trexler, maintenance supervisor Donnie Derr and council member Kathleen Raines visit the ball field when the weather permits to “figure out what’s there, what can happen and what the costs would be.”

Trexler clarified the fence would extend to the side, not upward.

Aleszczyk feels there is no room in the budget for a project like this but added council will look into it.