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Historic Southside resident survey

The City of Bethlehem is preparing a plan to address historic preservation and development issues within the South Bethlehem Historic Conservation District. This area is generally along the Third and Fourth Streets corridors, west of Hayes Street and east of Wyandote Street.

The plan will recommend revisions to the city’s Historic Conservation District regulations that currently regulate demolition of older buildings, changes to the fronts of buildings, and the exterior design of new buildings and additions. There also are expected to be recommended adjustments to the City’s Zoning Ordinance. There will be public meetings held in the upcoming months.

The city hopes to gain some input from residents, business owners and visitors regarding their views and preferences related to future development in South Bethlehem.

Below are two links for the quick survey related to the south side planning study.

English version https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SouthBethlehem

Spanish version https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SurBethlehem

Please take a look and complete the survey when you have time. We’d also appreciate it if you can share this link with others that may be interested in the future development of South Bethlehem.

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