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Land development plan for ABE Doors redevelopment approved

During the March 4 virtual Lower Macungie Board of Commissioners meeting, the board was presented with the final ABE Doors redevelopment plan at 6776 Hamilton Blvd. The present building is a single-family house converted to the business. The applicant wants to consolidate four lots to create one parcel, add a car wash and a small strip retail area which could house a restaurant.

The plan calls for preservation of the sycamore trees along Hamilton Boulevard. It also includes landscape buffering in the rear of the property. The landscaping would also include buffering along Hamilton Boulevard.

The architecture of the building was discussed and is acceptable for the area. The present building will be eliminated.

A change was suggested for the buffer along Hamilton Boulevard by the car wash. It was suggested to change this to a wall in the car wash area. The developer asked to keep it as landscaping greenery as this has been a long-term plan. He does not feel a wall was necessary and has gone along with other ideas during this process.

The plan was approved by a vote of 4-1 with Commissioner Brian Higgins opposed.

An ordinance was up for approval for vacant and blighted properties. This ordinance would begin a registry of these properties. It would assist with the process of maintaining, providing security and establishing a method of dealing with violations. This would help to protect neighborhoods from deteriorating due to a vacant, blighted property. The ordinance was approved.

Volunteer firefighters were given their volunteer service earned income tax credit for this year.

The sanitary sewer lateral cleanup project was up for bid. The lowest bidder withdrew their bid due to miscalculation leaving Anrich, Inc. the next lowest bidder. The township has worked with the company before. The township said the bid is in line with their budget amount and, therefore, approved.

The Lower Macungie pool is possibly partnering with the Emmaus Aquatic Club to assist in improving the pool operations. The pool has been losing $40,000 to $60,000 a year. An evaluation will be made at the end of June and then July to see if the situation has improved. There is a possibility of an early close depending on the outcome. The township is not looking to create a profit; they just want to break even.

The 6 p.m. March 18 Lower Macungie Board of Commissioners meeting will again have the conditional use hearing for Macungie Manor. It was strongly suggested devloper Abraham Atiyeh attend this hearing so certain questions can be answered more easily.