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Fire engine loan assures protection for west side

Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company has traditionally had two fire engine pumpers housed at the department’s Swain Station to provide fire protection for its fire district residents and businesses.

When a serious issue in the pumping apparatus of one of Western’s engine’s was discovered March 3, fire chief Joshua Wells knew the engine would be out of service for an indeterminate time while parts were fabricated for the engine’s unique pump system design.

Wells also knew an Eastern Salisbury pumper was out of service and in storage at a Salisbury township facility while efforts were ongoing to find a buyer for the engine as part of the township’s planned replacement schedule of fire department apparatus.

Wells faced the issue with a phone call to Eastern Salisbury Fire Department Chief Ian Dodson, who agreed that putting the pumper back in service at Western’s Swain Station was the best way to maintain adequate fire protection for both sides of the geographically divided township.

Crews from both Eastern and Western’s firefighter roster were called out for a special assignment March 3 to transfer hose lines and other firefighting gear from the Western pumper to the bare-bones Eastern engine pending a sale to another fire company.

After a couple of hours of fire crew labor, the Eastern pumper was fully equipped and was housed at Western’s Swain Station on Ott Street near Green Acres Park.

Wells and Dodson were in accord the engine loan was the best solution to the dilemma.

“While both fire companies respond to serious fire and rescue calls in either side of the township,” they said, “having the mothballed engine ready to go and close to any calls in the western portion of the township provides the degree of fire protection our residents are accustomed to.”

Overseeing the transfer of equipment, both chiefs lauded the spirit of teamwork and camaraderie that mark the working relationship volunteers in the township’s two fire departments strive for.

Firefighter crews move hoses and gear between fire engines March 3 so the mothballed Eastern Salisbury Fire Department engine can be moved to Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company station while the Western engine is repaired. PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH