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Communities That Care group to receive coalition feedback

During the Feb. 19 Whitehall-Coplay Communities That Care meeting, Meghan Lynn Blevins from the Penn State EPISCenter informed the group of an update with the coalition checkup project.

EPIS stands for Evidence-based Prevention and Intervention Support. Members of the CTC filled out a survey a few months ago about the coalition to better see how the coalition works as a group. According to Blevins, the Whitehall CTC’s feedback summary will be ready shortly. After she discusses the data with Denise Continenza, CTC moderator, the report will be shared with the group.

The feedback summary will include information on aspects of the group such as coalition membership, leadership and roles, funding and sustainability, community awareness and support, coalition structure and program implementation and activities.

“This is a great time,” Continenza said.

She reflected back to the CTC’s roots and said now is an opportune time to evaluate the group’s efforts and find out how to expand and grow for the future.

“EPIS is here to support you all,” Blevins noted. “We are technical assistance providers.”

Following Blevins’ presentation, the CTC members discussed the Whitehall-Coplay School District students returning to four-day in-person instruction. According to Michelle Khouri, district registrar, the first week of the new instructional method only lasted one day, Feb. 16. Schools were closed Monday for the Presidents Day holiday; students were in school Tuesday; Wednesday was the regular at-home virtual learning day; and students were learning from home Thursday and Friday due to the winter storm weather.

“From what I understand, it’s been going smoothly,” Khouri said, regarding the new instructional method.

William Fonzone Sr., school board member, noted all the families, students and teachers he spoke with were excited about the change.

There was discussion about the mental health of students and how returning to school will affect them. Casey Sbat, a school-based therapist with Lehigh Valley Health Network working in the WCSD, reiterated some of her points from last month’s CTC meeting. She reported her caseload increased and that she is seeing more family-based conflicts since students and families are working and learning from home. She said she saw an increase in depression and suicidal ideation during the school closures.

Jennifer Green, a caseworker with Lehigh County Office of Children and Youth Services, reported many of her students are feeling isolated.

“A lot of these families don’t have a lot of resources,” she said, adding this is leaving students to their own devices and they are simply “going through the motions.”

She said she is happy to be seeing them back in school to help with their emotional health.

Fonzone asked about the risk of students’ mental and emotional health problems versus the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19 in the schools.

“It’s so difficult to balance,” Green said. “While there’s a risk with less social distancing, I feel the school does an excellent job keeping students safe and keeping things clean.”

Green shared her concerns about one of her students, a Gockley Elementary School student who she fears is falling behind in socialization and learning milestones.

“It’ll be good to get students reconnected,” Continenza noted. “It’ll be better in the long run.”

In other business, Khouri reported the Snack Pack Pals program is restarting. She reported, at that time, 139 students were on the list and expected that number to grow as students return to in-person learning. She noted 85 percent of the students who took part in the program last year have returned for in-person learning.

“That really demonstrates the family need out there,” Continenza said.

According to Khouri, the food will be packed at the new Whitehall-Coplay Hunger Initiative Food Pantry in Stiles and delivered to Whitehall-Coplay Middle School where the bags will be labeled, sorted and delivered to students.

The next CTC meeting will be March 19.