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Illegal, unpermitted business signs still an issue

Editor’s Note: This is a correction version of the meeting story which appeared in the March 3 edition of The Press.

At the March 1 virtual Macungie Borough Council meeting, the walls for Mountain Creek are still under consideration.

“Barry Isett & Associates was asked to prepare a cost proposal to survey the property line between 144 E. Main St. and 154 E. Main St., along with the location of the creek walls, fences and structure within five feet of the creek walls and any defined, recorded easements, deed restrictions and/or maintenance agreements listed in the title searches of the two properties. BIA’s cost proposal for this work was $4,000,” according to previous meeting minutes. Interim Borough Manager Chris L. Boehm said at the Feb. 16 meeting the survey will show where the property lines are but will not provide an answer as to who owns the walls. A survey will be conducted to determine where property lines are located.

Temporary signs at some businesses in the borough, many of which are illegal and unpermitted, have not been addressed. At the Feb. 16 council meeting, Zoning Officer Joseph Peterson was requested to provide council with a status report for enforcement of the illegal signs.

In addition, there are 27 property owners who have not registered their rental property.

Council said both of these issues need to be resolved. A time frame was requested as to when letters would be sent and consequences with a time for the next steps.

The Hickory Street bridge was discussed. There was a discussion about approaching the Lehigh Conservation District to help with the funding.

A subdivision is being considered for 202 E. Main St., the former site of the Bear Swamp Diner.

PPL will be working on some utility poles in the vicinity of the Main Street Streetscapes. Council wants to be assured the bricks are replaced properly.

Dustin Kapustiak spoke to council about using a certified inspector versus a master plumber for sewer lateral inspections. This will be considered and will result in a change to the ordinance.

The owner of the Cactus Blue food truck made a request for his food truck to be back in Macungie. A permit is being considered and would include the farmers market.

Mayor Ron Conrad reminded residents about the upcoming election. The mayor’s position as well as four council member positions are open.

The Brookside Country Club land development was discussed. The proposed development is for 80 single family units.

Emmaus Public Library entered into an agreement with Macungie borough for their annual contribution of $20,416. The vote was not unanimous.

The request for vacating Oak Street was discussed. Corey Zeisloft is the owner of 222 S. Walnut St. and 201 Oak St. Both properties abut the paper alley which Zeisloft is asking the borough to vacate. Zeisloft wants to consolidate both properties. There was an additional issue over a sewer pipe. The request is being considered with an associated cost of approximately $1,600.

A resident complained about the lack of enforcement over crosswalk usage. It was suggested to notify the borough police with complaints of this nature.

There was an executive session held regarding personnel issues.