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Borough hall stays closed

Coplay Borough Council discussed the possible reopening of borough hall at its March 2 workshop meeting.

Many residents reportedly want to utilize the gym space. However, since the structure ultimately acts as an administration building and hub for the public works team members, council members said the safety of borough workers must be the priority.

For right now, the building will remain closed to the public.

Councilman Rick Kern asked if council members had given any further thought to renewing the borough’s membership with the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce. Kern said being a Chamber member will bode well for the borough when applying for grants.

Council members agreed to invite someone from the Chamber to a future meeting to discuss the benefits of membership. This will help council decide how to proceed.

The 2021 tax schedule was introduced for discussion. During the next few weeks, council will research and converse about the advantages of various plans and how they impact the borough’s ability to pay bills. This subject will be revisited.

Councilman Steve Burker reported on the recent park and recreation meeting.

Coplay Sports requested to use Saylor Field 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays March 25 to June 10.

Also, a request was received to hold a cornhole tournament Oct. 9 at Saylor Field.

The borough is accepting applications for lifeguards for this summer with the intent of opening Parkway Pool. This is subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic, it was reported. Council talked about providing an incentive for lifeguards needing recertification by providing reimbursement for the class fee.

Coplay Public Library is now open. All patrons must wear a face mask while in the building. Gloves are also recommended if individuals choose to browse the shelves and handle books.

Public works Director Paul Boyle reported a new garbage truck is being built for the borough and is due to arrive in Coplay around July 4.