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Egypt/Cementon: Youth group to sell nut rolls

The youth group of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 4331 Main St., Egypt, is selling nut rolls Feb. 21- March 7.

Call the church office at 610-262-1600 or Lisa at 610-262-4053 for flavors and to order. Delivery is March 21.


Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 4102 S. Church St., Egypt, will hold a pie and cake roll sale.

Orders and payment are due Feb. 21. Pickup is 4-8 p.m. March 19 or 10 a.m.-6 p.m. March 20.

Temperatures will be checked, and masks must be worn. There will be a small basket raffle.

With questions or for flavors and pricing, call Linda Homishak at 610-533-2794.


Join the Whitehall Lions Club 6:30 p.m. March 1 for a Zoom teleconference featuring Dr. Rikin Patel, of Whitehall Pharmacy, who will provide an update on COVID-19 screening and vaccine distribution.

Email whitehall.lionsclub.lv@gmail.com for the Zoom link.


Egypt Memorial Park’s spring field hockey, baseball and softball sign-ups are ongoing at egyptpark.org.

Volunteers are needed for numerous roles. Call 610-262-9841 to volunteer or if you have questions. For pavilion rentals, contact Ryan at 610-217-5820.


Is your organization planning an event to be held in Egypt or Cementon? To have information about the event published in this column, email the details to sassamanm@gmail.com.