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Take the Lead honorees announced

Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania (GSEP) has announced its annual Take the Lead program, premier fundraiser for the council, and a unique leadership program that fosters mentorships with distinguished women leaders from the community whose work and achievements make the world a better place.

Through the Take the Lead program, high school-aged Girl Scouts have the opportunity to shadow inspiring women leaders from the Greater Philadelphia, Berks County, and Lehigh Valley area for a day to gain valuable insight into their careers and help them jumpstart their professional networks.

“Our 2021 Take the Lead honorees have changed the world for the better, and serve as incredible role models for our girls. The Take the Lead event raises critical funds for Girl Scouting in eastern Pennsylvania and is more important this year than ever before. Event co-chairs and committees work tirelessly to help raise money to sustain Girl Scouting in every community, and to ensure that every girl has access to our leadership program no matter her circumstance,” said Kim E. Fraites-Dow, Chief Executive Officer of GSEP. “Our Girl Scouts, as they always are, will be the stars of the show, serving as hosts and presenters of awards to our fantastic honorees, with whom they form relationships through significant mentoring and training events. Each Take the Lead Honoree inspires the girls and other attendees to serve our community with courage, confidence and character, and to take action individually and collectively to make the world a better place.”

Thirteen Girl Scouts across nine counties were selected by the council to be paired with the 13 Take the Lead Honorees.

2021 Take the Lead Lehigh Valley – April 28

Presenting Sponsor: Olympus Corporation of the Americas

Chair: Stephanie Sherry, vice president, Corporate Communications, Olympus Corporation of the Americas


• Lisa Boscola, state senator, 18th District

• Victoria Brifo, senior vice president and chief human resources officer, Air Products

• Fusun Bubernack, president, ET&T

• Lin Erickson, executive director and CEO, Da Vinci Science Center

• Deborah Sundlof, DO, cardiologist, Lehigh Valley Heart Institute

For more information about the Take the Lead program and sponsorship opportunities and benefits, events tickets, and other opportunities to support, please visit www.gsep.org/takethelead or email takethelead@gsep.org.