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Jefferson Pool closed for summer

During the Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners meeting Feb. 8, Mayor Michael Harakal Jr. announced Jefferson Pool, Fullerton, will remain closed for the 2021 season due to its current condition. An evaluation to decide on further actions will occur during the closure, he said.

The township’s other two pools, Cementon and Parkview in Hokendauqua, are scheduled to open. Plans are pending due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commissioners passed Resolutions 3148 and 3149 to establish pool pass and camp rates for 2021.

Bill No. 1 addressed parking concerns for the town home owners on Roosevelt Street. It requests the establishment of a 410-foot no-parking zone along both sides of Roosevelt Street. Whitehall’s traffic engineer, Peter Terry, was present at the meeting and explained the problem is the width of the road.

Commissioner Charles Fisher asked for options to remedy the issue. Terry said a possible solution would be to widen the road.

Residents of the town homes claimed their safety is not being taken into consideration, as there are no sidewalks or streetlights on the way to available parking down the road. Furthermore, it was mentioned drivers speeding cause a huge disturbance and little has been done to enforce traffic control.

“It is a problem, no question,” Harakal said.

The board tabled Bill No. 1 until further evaluations can occur.

The board revisited a recent discussion concerning the treasurer’s salary for 2022. While there will not be an official ordinance until the March meeting, progress was made when a majority of the commissioners agreed on a 2-percent increase.

“To get qualified people, we need to have a decent salary,” commissioners President Philip Ginder said.

Commissioner Jeffrey Warren proposed asking the school to increase its stipend, but the board acknowledged it ultimately has no control over the district’s decision.

The discussion will continue at the March 1 workshop meeting.

The meeting ended with the appointment of several board roles.

Vincent Misuraca will serve on Whitehall Township Building Code Board of Appeals.

Ann Freyman has been appointed to serve on the planning commission. She joined the virtual meeting to thank the commissioners for the opportunity.

Motions were passed to reappoint John Delserro to serve on the environmental advisory council and shade tree committee and to appoint Deborah Rosene and Monica Chibber to the environmental advisory council.

Commissioner Michael Dee said Chibber is a real “asset to the township.”

Finally, a motion was passed to appoint Richard Bentz to the Civil Service Commission.

Ginder also announced the commissioners held an executive session earlier in the month concerning legal matters; no additional information was provided.

To attend the next workshop meeting, 7 p.m. March 1, visit the township website, whitehalltownship.org, for viewing instructions. It will be a virtual meeting.