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Public works praised for snow removal in Macungie

During the virtual Macungie Borough Council meeting Feb. 1, compliments were given to the public works department over snow removal. Council said it becomes a difficult task when trying to remove snow from areas with no place to go with the snow.

A council member reported a large pile of snow covered the fire hydrant on Parkside Road. Residents living near fire hydrants are asked to assist in keeping the hydrants clear of snow. In this case, a recommendation was made that when snow is plowed, the snow should be pushed to the sides rather than plowed straight on. It becomes difficult when the snow pile freezes.

Regarding snow removal, residents were reminded it is illegal to throw snow into the street.

The Cotton Street bridge repairs have been completed. Payment was approved for $26,460 to J. Phillips Excavating & Hauling, LLC.

Chipped sidewalk panels have been discovered in the Streetscape project. Mohawk is to repair and replace if necessary.

A minor subdivision was approved for 722. E. Main St. Another house is to be built on a smaller lot than usual. This was approved.

According to the solicitor, no ownership of the walls on Mountain Creek in Route 100 has been established. It was suggested to investigate when maintenance was performed and who was involved.

Complaints have been received about signs installed by small businesses without permission. This will be investigated.

The car wash development on Route 100 has been extended through March due to weather.

A veteran has requested an exemption at 324 Village Walk Drive which was approved.

An executive session was held over personnel and real estate issues.

The borough manager position has been pared down to six candidates. Interviews will be conducted by council Feb. 9 and 10. From these interviews, three candidates will be scheduled for the next set of interviews which will be held by council Feb. 17 and 18.

The borough truck in need of repair was discussed. It was suggested to repair the fuel injectors for $2,265 to prolong the life of the truck.

Permission was granted to the Macungie Institute Trustees to seek grants for the facility.

A temporary work from home policy for borough employees was approved.

Macungie borough will donate COVID-19 Block Grant Funds to the Macungie Volunteer Fire Department in the amount of $10,924.59 for COVID assistance.

A resolution was approved to add Borough Clerk/Assistant Treasurer Brenda Bower as a bank signatory.