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It is critical to participate in local government

To the Editor:

As the transition to a new federal government administration takes place, and most eyes are on Washington, D.C., I encourage citizens to pay attention to, and participate in local government.

Boroughs, townships, counties and school districts are the most important level of government. It is at the local level that you have direct access to your elected officials.

Currently, a survey is posted on the Emmaus Borough website asking for residents’ input about borough parks and trails. To date, only about 300 responses have been received from over 11,000 residents! We can do better, Emmaus! Let’s all work together and bump that number up to 5,000 or more!

Stay informed. Watch the borough website weekly for postings about not only this committee’s meetings, but all other public meetings taking place in the borough.

Know what is going on in your hometown. Committee meetings are where conversations take place about Town Hall, firehouse and police station renovations, borough goals, ordinances and financing ideas. It is where the real work gets done before being presented to the entire borough council. Public appeals are accepted at the beginning of all committee meetings.

Also, the East Penn School District budget process began Jan. 11. Tune in to their meetings 7:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of the month to understand how your school property taxes are spent.

It is important to pay attention to the federal government. It is critical to participate in local government.

Lynn Donches
