Egypt/Cementon: Church to collect donations
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 4331 Main St., Egypt, will hold Souper Bowl Sunday Feb. 7.
Donations toward the church’s community meal will be accepted. Proceeds will benefit members of our community who struggle to afford nourishing meals.
Egypt Memorial Park, 4548 Main St., will hold baseball and softball sign-ups in the park pavilion 9 a.m.-noon Feb. 13.
Sign-ups can also be completed online at
Volunteers are needed at Egypt Park to assist with coaching, to help maintain the ball fields, to work in the snack stand and to help at fundraisers.
Call 610-262-9841 to volunteer or if you have questions about the park and its events.
For pavilion rentals, contact Ryan at 610-217-5820.
Shepherd of the Hills Church will hold Ash Wednesday services noon and 7 p.m. Feb. 17.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 4102 S. Church St., Egypt, will hold a pie and cake roll sale instead of its annual spring basket sale. Baked goods, pies and cake rolls from Zilka Baking Company will be available for order.
Pie flavors include apple, apple caramel walnut, chocolate French silk, pecan, peach praline and very berry.
Cake roll flavors are carrot, chocolate peanut butter, red velvet and salted caramel apple.
The frozen fruit pies are ready to bake. The cake rolls and the chocolate silk and shoofly pies can be thawed and eaten.
Orders and payment are due by Feb. 21. Order forms are available for download from Holy Trinity’s Facebook page.
Orders and payment can be mailed to the church, dropped off at the church rectory or placed in the collection basket.
Pickup is scheduled for 4-8 p.m. March 19 or 10 a.m.-6 p.m. March 20.
Temperatures will be checked and masks must be worn during the pickups.
There will be a small basket raffle in the hall, so be sure to bring cash or your checkbook to enter for a chance to win.
If you have questions or if you prefer to have your order brought out to your car when you arrive, call Linda Homishak at 610-533-2794.
Is your organization planning an event to be held in Egypt or Cementon? To have information about the event published in this column, please email the details to me at