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Salisbury Recreation Advisory Committee plans community activities for the year

The Recreation Advisory Committee met Jan. 18 via Zoom. Volunteers on the committee include Kim Ringhoffer, representing Ward 1, Tricia Dickert, representing Ward 2, Pat Jacoby, representing Ward 3, Mark Wilson, representing Ward 4 and Frank McCullough, representing Ward 5. Recreation Director Genny Baillie also attends the meeting.

Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich was also in attendance.

Members of the public attending including Daniel Soria, Dennis Grejda, Joshua Wells and Jerry Collins.

Dickert is the newest member of the committee taking over for Frank Adamcik who sat on the committee for many years. Wilson thanked Dickert for stepping up and volunteering for the community.

The committee held elections for officers; Wilson retains the position of chair, Jacoby retains the position of vice chair and Ringhoffer retains her position as secretary.

The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed and approved.

In adviser reports, McCullough reported on Green Acres Park, Lindberg Park and Devonshire Park. He asked Baillie for a status on grass growing on the walking path. McCullough believes the path is still under warranty. Baillie will follow-up with the public works department.

The committee then reviewed upcoming events planned for the community.

The first event on the calendar is the annual egg hunt which was not held last year due to COVID-19. This year the event is planned for March 27. Baillie said she has all of the filled eggs which are stored and ready to go. The eggs are filled with toys, not candy due to allergies. Baillie has to complete the flyer, waiver and permission slips and needs two weeks to distribute the flyer through the elementary school and have it returned. The egg hunt is for Salisbury residents ages 3-10.

“We don’t know where we will be in the pandemic,” Baillie said.

Dickert suggested doing a pickup bag for the kids instead of a traditional egg hunt if that wasn’t possible. She said she would be willing to mask up. “These kids have lost so much and I feel like if I can help we can piece some of this back together for them,” Dickert said.

Baillie said it could be a drive by for the residents.

“I think they are at a point that anything we could offer them would help,” Dickert said.

Baillie will check to see if a waiver is needed if there is a drive by pickup.

Jacoby asked if a rain date would be needed if the residents would just be driving by.

Talking about locations for the drive by egg pickup, Baillie said the committee likes to hold events in the parks. Jacoby said a drive by would work well at Lindberg Park.

Wilson said this was a great suggestion and Baillie said advance registration will be needed to get a complete count.

Baillie said the township typically receives over 100 registrations but not all show up that day.

She said she will look for Easter-themed bags. Dickert said she would look for area businesses to donate coupons for the bags.

Wilson suggested the drive by be Plan A for the egg hunt. Soria offered to post the flyer on the Salisbury Youth Association website.

Baillie said, “If we go into lockdown again, it may not be held.”

Bonaskiewich said the drive by was a great idea. Preregistration still needs to be determined.

Baillie then talked about the summer playground program. She said in mid-February she begins to recruit for counselors. She starts the interviewing process at the end of March or beginning of April.

The committee felt Baillie should begin the process. If masking and distancing are still requirements, it may be difficult to hold the program according to Baillie.

The next event discussed was Community Day which Ringhoffer recommended would be held in August. She will begin looking into activities for the event. She will reach out to the police to see if there will be one event or if they are holding their own event.

The next event discussed was a community tree lighting tentatively scheduled for Dec. 5. The committee will talk about a location for the event and activities for community members.

The last event discussed was the postponed ribbon-cutting ceremony for Lindberg Park. It was suggested the ribbon-cutting event be planned for a weeknight. Bonaskiewich said if held outdoors, distancing could be managed.

Editor’s Note: See an additional story from the meeting on Page A15.