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Route 29 bridge construction update provided

The Upper Milford Board of Supervisors met Jan. 21 via Zoom for its regular meeting.

Before this meeting, the board met for an executive session to discuss legal matters.

The board carried motions to approve the reorganization and regular meeting minutes of Jan. 4, as well as approval of the payment of the bills.

Moving onto new business, Township Manager Bud Carter delivered an update on the Route 29 bridge construction.

“During this time, southbound traffic will be restricted beginning at the intersection of Allen Street and [Chestnut Street] and the intersection of [Chestnut Street] and Ramer Road,” Carter said. “They are moving ahead with the project and they expect it to be 109 days of detour.”

Secretary Jessi O’Donald then explained Resolutions 2021-019 and 2021-020. The first resolution dealt with appointing an alternate zoning officer, as the previous officer died. Resolution 2021-021 updated key code appointments.

The board carried motions to accept both resolutions.

Carter also sought a motion to authorize staff to advertise to receive roadwork bids for 2021. The motion carried.

Next, the board reviewed Raymond Leister’s letter of resignation from the zoning hearing board. They carried a motion to accept his letter and thanked Leister for his time on the board.

O’Donald informed the board the Upper Milford Township Youth Association wrote a letter to the township describing it as a notification of their thanks and informing the township they plan to submit requests in the future.

“The summarization [of the letter] is that their costs are going up…,” O’Donald said. “They would like more from the township … they would like to start looking for some long-term projects. Ultimately, they would like - as they’ve always asked for - is that community center and something within the township to play soccer and basketball indoors and not rent facilities [for those activities].”

O’Donald explained she informed the association to revisit the request to the board including how many township residents are members, how many children are registered and a specified plan. According to O’Donald, they intend to do so.

Supervisor Joyce Moore welcomed the letter.

“Asking might allow us to try to find some way to help them,” Moore said. “There’s no harm in letting us know what they need.”

Advancing to reports, O’Donald said a fire company report can be located on the township website.

Carter told the board engineer Jeff Ott moved out of his temporary business location at the post office located on Kings Highway South. Carter hopes to discuss potential plans for the building with the board, adding most likely they hope to rent it out again.

Lastly, Vice Chairperson Robert Sentner said he wishes to resume in-person meetings in the township building. He explained any individuals uncomfortable with meeting in-person may meet via Zoom. Sentner proposed a motion, supported by Chairman Dan Mohr and strongly opposed by Moore.

“I know it’s difficult dealing with technology, but I also like being healthy,” Moore said. “I also don’t want our residents to risk their health either.”

Sentner maintained his position.

“Anyone that wants to come can come, anyone that doesn’t, doesn’t,” he said.