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Pates Gill working hard

While Freedom’s pool was closed due to various winter sports season suspensions, Patriot senior diver Sarah Gill took up practice at Blue Eagles Swim and Dive Club in Nazareth.

“It was good while it lasted,” said Gill, referring to her three practices at Freedom in November.

Gill has been perfecting her front 1 1/2 flip with a full twist after some failed attempts a few years ago.

“I didn’t know if I could come out of the twist,” said Gill, who is also a gymnast. “In gymnastics, you don’t come out of a twist and dive into the water. But I could feel the same feeling in my back 1 1/2 flip with a half twist, and I finally did it.”

Gill is working harder in a shorter amount of time since COVID-19 shut down summer diving at LaSalle University where she also trains.

“I would have been going three days a week,” she said. “Last year was my best year for improving because I went to the club at LaSalle, and I was able to get a different perspective from a new coach.”

LaSalle also has a three-meter board on which Gill learned how to jump up more and how to jump out less, preparing her better for the one-meter boards in high school.

Now, Gill is close to having a full pike list.

“I have my reverse 1 1/2 in tuck and want to get it in pike,” said Gill, “and I’m looking forward to getting more new dives and upgrading my degree of difficulty. I was really looking forward to districts and possibly states.”

Gill placed fifth at districts in 2020, but Coach Emily Kocis expects Gill will finish higher this year and have a good shot at qualifying for states.

Freedom’s pool should reopen by mid-January when all winter sports suspensions are expected to have been lifted.