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Daniel Mohr appointed chairperson

The Upper Milford Township Board of Supervisors met Jan. 4 via Zoom to elect a temporary chairperson and proceed with the reorganization meeting.

First, the board carried a motion to appoint Daniel Mohr as a temporary chairperson.

Next, the board officially nominated Mohr as the chairperson for the board of supervisors. The board then nominated Robert Sentner for vice chairperson. Both proposals carried through a motion.

Mohr thanked previous chairperson Joyce Moore for her time.

“Thank you, Joyce, for the past year and apparently I take over now as the chairman,” Mohr said.

Mohr explained the board must designate a representative to attend the Lehigh County Authority business meetings and “serve as alternate to the township manager on voting matters.” He nominated Sentner as the representative. The motion carried.

Moore was then retained as the representative to the agricultural security board.

Mohr proceeded to reappoint more representatives and members.

The board reappointed Houstin Lichtenwalner and Jessamy Killingsworth to the open space committee. Thomas Rowland was reappointed as a member of the zoning hearing board, with his term expiring Dec. 31, 2025. Raymond Lyster was reappointed as the alternate to the zoning hearing board as well, with his term expiring Dec. 31, 2023. John Hayes was reappointed to the vacancy board. Joseph Terrible was reappointed to the emergency services committee, with his term expiring Dec. 31, 2023. The board also reappointed Bob Perry and Randy Faurl to the recreation commission, with terms expiring Dec. 31, 2025.

The board then approved various resolutions.

Resolution 2021-001 reappointed and set wages of various 2021 township officials.

Resolution 2021-002 reappointed the township solicitor.

Resolution 2021-003 set the hourly employee wage schedule.

Resolution 2021-004 reappointed the zoning hearing board solicitor, alternate zoning hearing board solicitor and court reporter. Resolution 2021-005 concerns reappointments, appointments and acknowledgments to boards committees and representatives. Resolution 2021-006 reappointed the township engineer.

Resolution 2021-007 reappointed the address assignment consultant.

Resolution 2021-008 reappointed the township accounting service consultant.

Resolution 2021-009 reappointed a third-party electrical and construction code agency.

Resolution 2021-010 set bonding for the treasurer, township manager and assistant manager.

Resolution 2021-011 is an authorized signers resolution.

Resolution 2021-012 set the administrative and zoning fee schedules.

Resolution 2021-013 set the fee schedules of building permits.

Resolution 2021-014 set subdivision and land development application and escrow fees.

Resolution 2021-015 detailed authorized signers at New Tripoli Bank.

Resolution 2021-016 concerns the destruction of township records authorization.

Resolution 2021-017 reappointed an alternate sewage enforcement officer.

Lastly, Resolution 2021-018 appointed an alternate zoning officer.

The board carried a motion to approve all 18 resolutions.

Next, the board carried a motion to approve the meeting schedule for 2021. The board will meet 7 p.m. the first and third Thursday of every month, excluding holidays or other potential unforeseen conflicts.

The board approved the desired attendance of all supervisors to the PA State Association of Township Supervisors convention April 18, with expenses reimbursed.

Under new business, Mohr acknowledged a petition and letters from residents on South Mountain Drive seeking additional signage. The board carried a motion for staff to look into the letter and create a recommendation for the next meeting.

The board approved various credit releases for Fields of Indian Creek for Phases two and three for the total amount of $67,419.55.

With no remaining business to discuss, the board adjourned the meeting.