1-20 meeting board
Following the directives established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to limit public gatherings, several of the following meetings / activities might be changed, canceled, streamed or online. Check websites and social media as available.
The City of Bethlehem City Hall reopened to the public on January 5. It remains fully operational and employees are available to assist residents by calling 610-865-7000 or by visiting www.bethlehem-pa.gov. The public is encouraged to use the drop box outside the Church Street entrance to City Hall to make bill payments.
Theis/Cornfeld Recycling Center will remain open unless otherwise advised. Critical situations, including in person services provided by the Health Bureau, will be by appointment only. The Bethlehem Service Center is fully operational; call 610-865-7000.
Wednesday, January 20
BASD Combined Committee (snow date), 6 p.m. Education Center, Edgeboro room.
Hellertown Borough Zoning Hearing Board 6:30 p.m., 685 Main St.
Fountain Hill Borough Council, 7 p.m. 941 Long St.
Thursday, January 21
Northampton Co. Council Zoom, 6:30 p.m. Northampton Co. Courthouse, 669 Washington St., Easton. Live streamed: www.northamptoncounty.org/COUNCIL/Pages/CouncilMeetings.aspx
Monday, January 25
BASD Regular Board, 7 p.m. East Hills MS, 2005 Chester Road.
Bethlehem Twp. Planning Commission, 7 p.m. Municipal building, 4225 Easton Ave.
Tuesday, January 26
Saucon Valley School Board, 7 p.m. Audion building, 2097 Polk Valley Road.
Freemansburg Borough Council, 7 p.m. As needed.
Wednesday, January 27
Bethlehem Parking Authority, 4 p.m. 85 W. North St.
Bethlehem Zoning Hearing Board, 6 p.m. Join meeting from computer, tablet or smartphone. Visit https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/344350997; or by phone at 1 -408-650-3123.
The Bethlehem Press calendar listings are, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of printing. We are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information submitted by external parties.