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LCCC offers new workforce program

Lehigh Carbon Community College’s newest workforce development program, Certified Production Technician+, is accepting registrations.

A new class will be offered 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, beginning Feb. 9.

There is a cost.

This program is designed to prepare employees with the next generation of skills to work in a computer-driven, data-intensive advanced manufacturing workplace.

The course combines on-line learning and simulation, self-study and hands-on demonstration of skills, which prepares students for jobs such as machine operators and the opportunity to move into maintenance, industrial automation or more advanced positions.

LCCC’s CPT plus program provides 200 hours of instruction related to advanced manufacturing, with 140 hours of the program a combination of online and classroom instruction.

It is then combined with 60 hours of hands-on training on the Skill Boss, which provides opportunities to learn skills in the areas of safety, quality, manufacturing and maintenance.

Course topics include:


•Quality practices and measurement

•Manufacturing processes and production

•Maintenance awareness

Certified Production Technician+ was just approved as a registered pre-apprenticeship by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.

Class size is limited to 10 participants.

Students taking this course will have the opportunity to sit for MSSC certification exams to become a Certified Production Technician+.

For more information about this program or to register, contact Don Worman, program director, Manufacturing Technology, Workforce Development, at 610-799-1354 or dworman@lccc.edu.