Published January 07. 2021 12:29PM
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS The Salisbury Elementary School PTO held a virtual door decorating contest for students in kindergarten, first, second, third and fourth grades as well as staff. Participants emailed a photo of their creation by Dec. 18, 2020 and voting was held Dec. 20-22, 2020. Each grade level had a first place and honorable mention winner. LEFT: Jayceon Brooks creates a colorful door for the contest sponsored by the Salisbury Elementary School PTO. RIGHT: Reagan Cromer decorates this door for the contest. See additional photos on Page A2.
Reagan Cromer decorates this door for the contest.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS Chase Sult's door is a winner.
A.J. Hixon offers this decorated snowman door for the contest.
Thomas Divers offers this decorated door complete with unique snowflakes.
This Santa door earns Aubry Hixon a place in the decorated door contest at Salisbury Elementary School.
Reagan Taylor offers a unique Christmas tree door.
Tami Johnson offers a glimpse of a reindeer stable in her decorated door.