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Northampton Borough cemeteries to pay for garbage service

During the Dec. 17, 2020, Northampton Borough Council meeting, council members voted to bill cemeteries for garbage service.

According to borough Manager LeRoy Brobst, the garbage collection cost for three of the four cemeteries is $260 per year, and the cost for the Queenship of Mary dumpster is $520 per year.

Council unanimously voted to bill three of the cemeteries for one unit, or $340, and Queenship would be charged for two units, or $680.

Councilman Robert McHale made the motion for this change, saying, “It isn’t fair to taxpayers to pay for private entities.”

Council also voted to approve a handicapped parking space at 637 Washington Ave. and rejected a handicapped parking space request for 1367 Main St. due to the presence of a garage at the rear of the property.

It was noted the resolution establishing the permit fees for 2021 will be on the Jan. 7 agenda. McHale questioned whether there would be an increase in the fees for transporting the bandshell. He noted there has not been an increase in the past four years, despite the rise in labor costs. Councilman Anthony Lopsonzski Sr. noted there should also be fees for the portable restrooms included in those numbers.

Solicitor Steven Goudsouzian requested council take action regarding the West 21st Street town home development. The project needs one-way designations for West and Station alleys. He recommended council vote to advertise council’s intent for the designation change.

It was reported the developer’s responsibility in this matter was unclear. The developer is required to make a “good faith effort,” but that wording is ambiguous, it was noted. Goudsouzian said he believes borough council needs to be the driving force behind this step.

Councilman Anthony Pristash made the motion to advertise, and the motion was passed, with only Lopsonzski Sr. voting no.

It was decided to add this item to the Jan. 21 meeting agenda. There was concern there wouldn’t be time at the Jan. 7 meeting for residents to give input, so it was pushed back to the following meeting.

McHale reported the public works and sewer committee met with Scott Gillespie and Tom Duffy, of Gilmore and Associates, and Ryan Conrad, of DESECCO Design and Construction, to review the timeline for the main pump upgrade. Due to equipment delivery delays, the schedule has been pushed back.

Reportedly, construction to start Dec. 28, 2020, with an expected completion in March 2021.

Council will next meet 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7. It is expected the next few meetings will be held virtually.