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Luminaria throughout the Christmas City

Bethlehem’s Luminary Night celebrations took place citywide Dec. 12, on a cool, foggy night. Luminaria kit sales benefit New Bethany Ministries. Each kit comes with 10 bags, 10 candles, and 10 cups of sand. New Bethany also sells the bags without the sand, encouraging buyers to save their sand for next year. This year’s luminary sales were very successful, and according to New Bethany’s website, much appreciated in this year when the need for New Bethany’s services also increased. Visit their website,


PRESS PHOTOS BY LANI GOINS Luminaria outside the Hotel B Ice Cream Parlor on Bethlehem's Main Street. Many Main Street businesses participated.
An entire block of Eighth Street, across from the Rose Garden, is lined with luminaria.
Patti Breiner, of Linden Street, Bethlehem, places her luminaria.
Property owners on Church Street lined their stairs with the luminary bags.
Seasons on Main Street with luminaria in front of its merrily decorated window.