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Allentown West Rotary honors Allentown Police Chief Granitz

Allentown Chief of Police Glenn Granitz Jr., has a new title to add to his credentials: Paul Harris Fellow.

Granitz was given the title by the Allentown West Rotary, whose members voted to bestow the honor after hearing his presentation to the club in September.

His excellent presentation touched on his philosophy of policing and some statistics to help the club understand the differences in the community since he began in his position.

Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary International in 1905.

Rotarians appoint a Paul Harris Fellow to recognize a person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives of the Rotary Foundation.

“We especially note the chief’s management, which sets the tone of the Allentown Police Department being a guardian of Allentown and in particular your use of crisis management personnel to de-escalate tensions,” Rotary District No. 7430 Gov.-Elect Bob Hobaugh said.

Allentown West Rotary President Ralph Witcher presented the pin to Granitz.

The ceremony took place in City Council Chambers.

Allentown Mayor Ray O’Connell and Council Vice President Julio A. Guridy were present.

The councilman read a proclamation recognizing the chief on the occasion of his honor.

On becoming a Paul Harris Fellow, Granitz joins an impressive list of other Paul Harris Fellows including Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, Prince Charles, Indira Gandhi, Luciano Pavarotti, Pope John Paul II and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY ALLENTOWN WEST ROTARY CLUB Allentown Police Chief Glenn Granitz Jr., is joined by Allentown West Rotary Club President Ralph Witcher after he was honored with a Paul Harris Fellow award during a ceremony in Allentown City Council Chambers.
Allentown Council Vice President Julio A. Guridy, (center), reads the proclamation as Allentown Ray Mayor O'Connell, (left), and Chief Glenn Granitz Jr., (right) look on.
Rotary District No. 7430 Gov.-Elect Bob Hobaugh joins Allentown Police Chief Glenn Granitz Jr., after he presented a pin to Granitz during an award ceremony in Allentown City Council Chambers.