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Baum School ‘Holiday Gallery’ in-person or online

The Baum School of Art has adapted to 2020’s pandemic shopping challenge with a Holiday Gallery accessible online or in person by appointment.

More than 45 Lehigh Valley-based artists and artisans have handmade works, including ceramics, woodcraft, paintings, jewelry, ornaments, tote bags, fashion pieces and more, available for sale in the school’s David E. Rodale and Rodale Family Galleries. Purchases benefit the artists and Baum School.

This seasonal sale, plus a special silent auction of a fully-furnished doll house, continues through Dec. 22.

Donated by area artist Barbara Kozero in memory of her late sister-in-law Sandy, the doll house with its tiny furnishings are up for bid as a fund-raiser for the nonprofit educational organization.

The exhibit is sponsored by Bob and Sandy Lovett.

For online shopping go to:


To schedule a visit to the Holiday Gallery, contact Lauren Faurl at: lauren@baumschool.org.

Information: www.baumschool.org; 610-433-0032

PRESS PHOTO BY ED COURRIER From left, Baum School of Art Executive Director Shannon Fugate, staffers Laurie Seigfried and Lauren Faurl inside the school's Holiday Gallery with items available for immediate purchase.
PRESS PHOTO BY ED COURRIER Lauren Faurl checks out the doll house donated by artist Barbara Kozero in memory of her late sister-in-law Sandy. The miniature structure with its tiny furnishings is up for bid via silent auction.