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Catasauqua council OKs CASD request

Catasauqua Area School District Superintendent Robert Spengler addressed Catasauqua Borough Council Dec. 7 regarding the district’s plan for major renovations of the Alumni Field sports complex.

The project, according to Spengler, includes a press box replacement, a turf field, a new scoreboard, a synthetic athletic track, field house expansion, ADA accessibility, bleacher replacement and more. The price tag is estimated at $6.5 million.

Spengler requested a change that would move the project from a land development process to a borough permit process. The change would save the school district substantial fees to be assessed for the construction project.

Councilman Paul Cmil asked why this needs to be done.

Spengler explained, “Now is the time to do this. The facility has not been touched (renovated) in decades. Advantageous borrowing is at a low rate.”

“This is a win-win,” Solicitor Thomas Dinkelacker added. “The school district will have lower costs for the project and will reimburse all borough costs.”

The requested change was passed by council.

Reached after the meeting, council President Vincent Smith said, “When the school district and Catty borough work together, it benefits both the borough and the district, families and taxpayers. My philosophy has always been that, working together, we can serve residents and taxpayers best.”

In other business, council approved a request by borough Manager Stephen Travers to pursue a $30,900 Local Share Agreement planning grant for renovations to the borough’s community swimming pool.

In his borough manager report, Travers said a professional services agreement for the multimunicipality comprehensive plan with Lehigh Valley Planning Commission is being crafted. Catasauqua’s portion of the plan cost will be $19,250. The plan is called the River Central Services Agreement.

Travers also noted council has to approve one-year extensions to both the fire department and the police department labor agreements. The terms of the current agreements will be extended until Dec. 31, 2021. Council approved the extensions.

The meeting to adopt the 2021 budget with a 0.75-mill tax increase will be Dec. 28, Travers noted.

Travers informed council of several positive COVID-19 cases among either borough staff members or their immediate family. He recommended the borough municipal complex be closed to the public, effective the day after the meeting, Dec. 8.

“We don’t want borough hall to be a super spreader,” Travers said.

Borough Mayor Barbara Schlegel agreed.

“We have to be safe,” she said.

Engineer Vanessa Nedrick provided updates on the Race Street parking project and Iron Works project planning. The 2021 road program is moving forward, and the Willow Street project is 60-percent completed, she noted.

In his report, Junior Councilman Derek Troxell, a Catasauqua High School student, said he believed the CASD schools are following mask-wearing protocols and properly social distancing.

It was announced the December public safety, planning and zoning meetings are canceled.

Councilman Cameron Smith, in his general government committee report, said the group continues to incorporate the solicitor’s recommendations into the borough’s upcoming employee handbook.

In his recreation committee report, Councilman Gene Schlegel said the fire department has agreed to have Santa and Mrs. Claus ride on a firetruck throughout Catasauqua to wish residents a merry Christmas. The date is to be announced.

Catasauqua Borough Council next meets 7 p.m. Dec. 28. This is a virtual meeting. Visit catasauqua.org or call the borough office at 610-264-0571 for the access phone number and the meeting code.