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Upper Macungie board honors longtime township tax collector


Special to The Press

At the beginning of their Dec. 3 meeting, Upper Macungie supervisors presented a proclamation honoring the retirement of the township’s longtime tax collector Barry Moyer, effective Dec. 31.

Chairman James Brunell read Moyer’s proclamation and reflected on his “tremendous service” to the township.

“I know that as a newcomer to the township some seven years ago I guess, Barry you were awesome to work with, very helpful,” Brunell said.

“Just a great guy, and honestly he has relationships with most of the individuals that come into this township ... and I’m sure they’re going to miss him as well.”

Moyer has served Upper Macungie Township as its tax collector since 1996.

He also served as treasurer from 2006 to 2015.

A graduate of Pennridge High School and a township resident since 1976, Moyer worked in the private financial sector for 20 years and began his public service in 1996 when he was appointed tax collector.

He also served several terms on the township planning commission and sewer authority board.

“Rumor has it, he was also known to portray both Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny on occasion,” Brunell joked. “Barry was instrumental in all of these roles, however his influence was felt far beyond these official positions as he was always ready and willing to help anyone with a task, work through a certain obstacle or to lend a helping hand.

“He will be missed not only for his work ethic but his good nature, big heart and wide smile.”

Supervisors presented Moyer with his distinguished service award, along with his second-to-last paycheck, and thanked him for his dedicated service as assembled audience members provided enthusiastic applause.

“Just a sincere thank you to the board of supervisors; to the police officers who are always looking after me, to all of the employees at Upper Macungie,” Moyer said. “And a special thanks to all the residents of Upper Macungie who made it a really great 25 years, I sincerely appreciate it. Thank you.”

The supervisors also approved two related motions.

The first was to accept Moyer’s resignation. The other to appoint Tracy Hodrick as the township’s tax collector effective Jan. 1, 2021, to serve the remainder of Moyer’s term.

In other business, township manager Bob Ibach presented an update on the usage of a rescue boat by Upper Macungie Station 56, which had come up in an earlier board meeting.

Ibach said he and Bureau of Fire Director Peter Christ had looked into the boat’s usage and determined insurance costs were about $100 annually.

He added that Station 56’s chief Matt Sadrovitz had said he was OK with any board decision regarding the boat.

Ibach also said Christ suggested the resources being put into the boat might be better spent elsewhere, and the board approved a motion to check with surrounding municipalities and attempt a direct sale of the boat, or to put it up for bid.

Two ordinance updates were approved by supervisors, which revised township ordinances governing fire prevention and protection.

One update included new language which allows the Bureau of Fire director and fire chiefs to declare a burn ban.

Under resolutions, supervisors approved adoption of the 2021 budget, with Finance Director Bruce Koller noting that the proposed budget had been presented in November and undergone its public display period.

Brunell said the township’s budget was balanced and included no tax increases, even with the ongoing pandemic.

Additionally, the board also approved a preliminary/final plan for the Yourway Facility Expansion, proposed at 6681 Snowdrift Road.

Community development director Daren Martocci said Yourway previously proposed a full site build out into a campus-style development, a design currently under review by the planning commission.

He said the current pandemic has created an urgent need for warehousing, and Yourway was now proposing a scaled-back version of its proposal which includes a 12,000-square-foot warehouse addition.

For other personnel actions, the board approved the appointment of Anna Grayek as the township’s General Information Services intern pending completion of all background checks.

Police Chief Michael Sitoski also presented a motion to have Sgt. Cory Reader promoted to the police lieutenant position which was vacated by Sitoski’s own promotion to chief which was accepted by the supervisors.

For meeting advertisements, the board approved the announcements of the township’s reorganization meeting at 6 p.m. Jan. 4, 2021 with the regular general board meeting to take place starting at 7 p.m. the same day.

Additionally, supervisors also authorized advertisement of a conditional use hearing for a Sheetz Store proposed for the intersection of Route 100, Trexlertown Road and Cetronia Road, which will take place between the reorganization and general meeting beginning at 6:15 p.m. on Jan. 4, 2021.

A third advertisement was also approved, which signaled the township’s intent to appoint BakerTilly as independent auditors for the 2020 fiscal year.

A motion to continue an agreement with the Sanctuary at Haafsville to provide stray animal services to the township was also approved.

Supervisors also authorized the payment of stipends to the township’s volunteer fire companies for 2020, with Fogelsville Station 8 receiving $34,595, Trexlertown Station 25 receiving $54,845 and Upper Macungie Township Station 56 receiving $45,840.

A motion to allow staff to begin placing orders for 2021 vehicle purchases, budgeted in the township’s 2021 budget, was also approved.

Ibach said the motion would allow the police department and public works to get a head start and place orders early to take advantage of price breaks. He added delivery and actual purchases will likely take place well into 2021.

In closing, during his staff report, Ibach gave kudos to township workers.

“With everything going on this year, I’d just like to point out how Upper Macungie stayed in business,” Ibach said.

“We kept moving along, our police patrol the streets, our public works were out in force, fire departments were responding, permits were issued.

“I think they did a really outstanding job under the conditions.

“We just did what we had to do, and we kept moving along, and I think they deserve a little recognition for that. We kept working, I’m proud of that.”

He also said the township will be closed on Dec. 24 and 25 for the Christmas holiday.

Supervisors wished all attendees and residents an early “happy holidays.”

The next supervisors ‘meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 4, 2021.

PRESS PHOTO BY SARIT LASCHINKSY During their Dec. 3 meeting, Upper Macungie Supervisor Kathy Rader, Chairman James Brunell and Supervisor Sean Gill presented a proclamation to retiring tax collector Barry Moyer in honor of his 25 years of dedicated public service to the township.