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Salisbury 2021 budget on meeting agenda

Rates for garbage collection and recycling are expected to increase in 2021.

How much the rate increases is dependent on several factors under consideration by the township board of commissioners.

One change in the offing is that curbside garbage collection on Saturday might be eliminated.

Front-door collection of electronic and hazardous waste is a new service that might be offered.

Township commissioners are to discuss garbage collection and recycling rates 7 p.m. Dec. 10 when the 2021 township budget may also be approved.

Commissioners and the township administration and officials are to convene in the meeting room of the municipal building, 2900 S. Pike Ave.

The public and the media are not allowed to attend in person, but must preregister to log in on their electronic devices via the Zoom format to view the meeting and comment.

Garbage and recycling rates are expected to be part of the final phase of 2021 budget discussions at the Dec. 10 meeting.

Commissioners and the administration have expressed hopes the rates and budget can be finalized at the Dec. 10 meeting.

The Dec. 10 meeting agenda includes, under new business, ordinances: public comment regarding proposed 2021 budget approval and ordinance to set-reaffirm tax rates for the year 2021 and approve 2021 budget appropriations.

Commissioners voted 5-0 at the Nov. 12 meeting to advertise the public inspection period for the proposed 2021 township budget.

If the 2021 budget and garbage-recycling contract are not finalized Dec. 10, commissioners could meet 7 p.m. Dec. 22 to finalize the budget and contract.

The 2021 township general fund budget is $8,569,796.

No township tax hike is proposed. The township tax millage is 2.42 mills.

The proposed 2021 township budget categories, compared to 2020 township budget categories, are:


2021 budget: $1,341,316

2020 budget: $1,294,256

An increase of $47,060, or 3.6 percent


2021 budget: $3,357,523

2020 budget: $3,338,486

An increase of $19,037, or 0.6 percent

Public Works

2021 budget: $2,707,636

2020 budget: $2,667,126

There is no proposed increase in water or sewer rates. For residents who are billed for water usage, the rate will stay the same: $7 per 1,000 gallons of water used. Sewer rates will remain at $75 per quarter.

Also on the Dec. 10 agenda, which is on the township website, is a motion to award the municipal solid waste and recycling contract to Republic Services.

The township administration put its trash collection contract out for bid. The contract with Republic Services had concluded. The township has been contracted on a month-to-month basis with Republic with the ability to end the contract at any time.

The draft budget proposed a trash rate of $75 per quarter per unit, an increase from $68 per quarter per unit, or $7 per quarter, which is an increase of $28 per year. The increase is $2.33 per month.

These rates could change, depending on the commissioners’ decisions.

In a Nov. 25 email to The Press, responding to a reporter’s question, Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich stated: “We’re still reviewing the submitted [garbage-recycling] bids to verify the validity before the board can formally award.”

Based on the Dec. 10 agenda, which proposes the contract be awarded to Republic, that matter has been resolved.

Continued Bonaskiewich in the email to The Press: “I hope to accomplish that at the Dec. 10 meeting, but potentially it could be pushed to the Dec. 22 meeting.

“Dependent on which options are awarded by the board will depend on the rates we’ll be looking at passing along.

“It’s highly likely that curbside garbage and refuse collection service will be changing from Monday through Saturday to Monday through Friday.

“Current routes will be affected. It will be, however, at the contractor’s discretion how best to do that.

“Also, the board was very interested in including the electronic and household hazardous waste front-door collection, but that is an additional option to the base bids for garbage and recycling,” Bonaskiewich said.

Two bids were received for trash hauling and recycling: Republic Services and J.P. Mascaro & Sons.

Six companies, including Republic and Mascaro, picked up bid information.

Front-door pick up of electronic items (computers, TVs) would be offered by Republic.

“We don’t offer that, but we get a lot of calls. But it’s a considerable cost,” Bonaskiewich said at the Nov. 24 township meeting, which was held on a Tuesday because Thursday, Nov. 26, was the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

“You could keep it as is or you could add the service. Republic is still the lesser expensive bid,” Bonaskiewich said.

“It will be a very specific program. You would have to call Republic and they will tell you when to put it out,” Bonaskiewich said.

“It will curb illegal dumping,” Bonaskiewich said.

“Yes, I think that’s a good service to provide,” Salisbury Township Assistant Manager Sandy Nicolo said.

“I think this is well worth it,” Salisbury Township Director of Finance Paul Ziegenfus said.

“It encourages people to not dump,” commissioners Vice President Rodney Conn said.

“I think it’s a great service,” Salisbury Township Recreation Director Genny Baillie said.

Bonaskiewich noted, “The contract could be awarded for three years or five years. We’re really focused on the three-year price.”

Also on the Dec. 10 meeting agenda:

- Resolution to set the police pension plan employee contribution rate for 2021

- Motion to approve nonuniformed defined contribution pension plan funding for 2020

- Resolution to approve a $150,000 loan from the township’s general fund for the purchase of Eastern Salisbury Fire Department’s new rescue truck

- Motion to authorize execution of the stormwater BMP agreement for 2210 S. Melrose Lane.