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Ritter announces candidacy for Lehigh County judge

Attorney David D. Ritter has announced his candidacy for judge of the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas.

A graduate of Parkland High School and The Pennsylvania State University, Ritter received his law degree from Widener University School of Law in Wilmington, Del.

He began practicing law in 1997 and has practiced law in Lehigh County for 24 years.

He served as an assistant public defender from 1997-2001, and as a deputy district attorney from 2002-09, both in Lehigh County.

During his tenure in the Office of the District Attorney, Ritter says he handled prosecution of thousands of criminal cases, including everything from drug offenses to felony robbery, burglary and financial fraud cases.

Ritter also served as the head of the Juvenile Division of the Office of the District Attorney, where he was charged with reviewing and supervising the prosecution of every juvenile case within Lehigh County.

Ritter operates The Law Office of David D. Ritter, LLC, focusing on criminal defense.

As part of that practice, he serves as an assistant public defender on a part-time basis, and as an arbitrator for Lehigh County.

“I was born and raised in Lehigh County and am thrilled to announce my candidacy for judge of the Court of Common Pleas,” Ritter says. “I have 24 years of courtroom experience, and have been in courtrooms almost every day during those years.

“Because I have significant experience on both sides of the Courtroom, I understand that being a judge means that both sides of a case must be heard.

“I vow to treat all people who come before me fairly and with decency. Finally, I will interpret and apply the law as written.”

Ritter has served the community as a Scout Leader, church elder and youth sports coach.

He has volunteered as an advisor for the Emmaus High School Mock Trial Team for the past five years.

Ritter resides in Lower Macungie Township with his wife, Tammi, and his sons, Nicholas and Zachary.

His video announcement may be viewed on Facebook.

Attorney David D. Ritter