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Proposed 2021 budget shows no tax increase

The Dec. 7 Emmaus Borough Council meeting began with a public appeal from Ashley Lorah and Jessica O’Donnell from the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Lorah is the Emmaus Main Street Manager; she thanked council for helping to get Fourth Street closed for Emmaus’ Old Fashioned Christmas Dec. 5. Lorah said the event went great with O’Donnell mentioning many community members were happy with the atmosphere of the event, even during a pandemic.

In the community minute, Councilman Roy Anders gave a thank you to the Emmaus Veterans Committee, being Dec. 7 is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Following the approval of the minutes, the meeting was highlighted by multiple items in communications.

It was announced Jean Nagle turned in her retirement notice. Council President Brent Labenberg said she has held almost every position for the Emmaus Library Board. After reading her notice, Labenberg announced Anne Zayaitz applied to be an Emmaus Public Library Board volunteer.

An update was given about the Emmaus Public Library hours. The library will now close 7 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays. Patrons cannot enter if they have traveled outside of the state unless they have quarantined for 14 days. Currently the library is closed through Dec. 12.

Carol Bastian resigned from her General Authority position. Jennifer Macharsky has applied for the General Authority vacancy.

Joseph Fritz was reappointed as a volunteer for the Emmaus Arts Commission.

The last portion in communications was a Veterans Day thank you from the Emmaus Veterans Committee.

In unfinished business, there were several second readings of ordinances to be passed. These ordinances were covered in previous meetings, including the removal of a disabled parking space, the approval of a disabled parking space and the creation of the deputy chief of police position within the Emmaus Police Department.

The deputy position will transition to the chief of police as the current police chief will be retiring in May 2021.

A new ordinance was passed in new business under general administration.

Ordinance 1209 relates to aesthetic standards in connection with the installation of small wireless communications facilities. This ordinance gives council more control of the aesthetic look of the Verizon building to be built. This ordinance gives council some say in what Verizon, or any telecommunications company, can construct at their facility.

In public safety, Councilman John Hart announced the committee nominates Andrew Stewart for the role of chief of ambulance service. Hart spoke highly of Stewart and thanked Borough Manager Shane Pepe for all of the amazing candidates who interviewed for the position. After a national search, the recommendation was for three candidates and Hart said Stewart stood out from the rest.

In budget and finance, Councilman Chris DeFrain went over the first reading of the 2021 proposed budget. DeFrain said there will be no tax increase, there is no sewer charge increase and there is no water charge increase. Labenberg announced there will be no increase in the refuse fee either. A motion was approved by council to move the 2021 budget forward.

The last motion was to contract the 2021 business tax collection. A contract with Berkheimer was approved by council.

Junior Councilman Jonas Hausman gave his report. He said Emmaus High School will go back to a hybrid schedule Dec. 14 after a month of strictly virtual learning.

In the borough manager’s report, Pepe announced many upcoming plans are going to kick off in January 2021 and asked council to be prepared for a busy schedule.

The next borough council meeting will be held virtually through Zoom 7 p.m. Dec. 21. The link to the meeting can be found on the website borough.emmaus.pa.us.