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Macungie Borough manager replaced by interim manager

Macungie Borough has replaced its borough manager with an interim manager.

The announcement was made at the virtual Macungie Borough Council meeting Dec. 7.

Borough Manager Robert Glisson will no longer be working in Macungie. Former Borough Manager Chris Boehm has been recalled to replace Glisson as the interim borough manager effective Nov. 30. Boehm will hold the position on an interim basis and will be paid $40 an hour. This was decided during the executive session.

Administrative Assistant Selma Ritter has requested to work from home due to possible quarantining. Council will work on a policy for future situations. It was suggested with the current COVID-19 situation, guidelines change weekly.

In other business, the 2021 budget was discussed. Workshops will be held over the next two weeks as the budget must be approved by year’s end.

The sewer loan draw extension was approved.

A resident has requested a gas line be installed at his house and is requesting council’s assistance. This will be investigated.

It was reported Federal Emergency Management Agency grants have been denied for the entire state.

There will be a Christmas festival Dec. 12 in Macungie. There will be a parade noon to 1 p.m. which will include police vehicles and fire trucks. There will be hayrides and an appearance by Santa. Masks and social distancing are required. The borough truck was requested for the Grinch.

The water line issue on Main Street was discussed again. It has been determined an unexplained hole was found in the water line in front of a resident’s house. It is difficult to determine how this damage occurred. Councilman Todd Rutledge will assist in this investigation.

Participation in the intermunicipal police consortium was approved.

Another executive session was called for more personnel considerations.