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East Penn School Board meets to reorganize

A virtual organizational meeting was held Dec. 7 by the East Penn Board of School Directors.

Directors Ken Bacher and Paul Champagne were swiftly returned to their previously held posts of president and vice president, respectively. The board voting was unanimous.

Board Secretary Janine Allen presided over the meeting until Director Ziad Munson was elected president pro tempore to briefly oversee the election of officers.

The directors approved the meeting schedule for 2021. The dates are as follows: Jan. 11 and 25, Feb. 8 and 22, March 8 and 22, April 12 and 26, May 10 and 24, June 14 and 28, July 12, Aug. 9 and 23, Sept. 13 and 27, Oct. 11 and 25, Nov. 8, Dec. 6 (organization) and 13, 2021.

The board also voted to designate the Times News Lehigh Valley Press as one of four media outlets for advertising purposes during the 2021 calendar year.

There were no requests to address the board and no executive session before the meeting.

The East Penn School Board meets 7:30 p.m. generally on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The next regular board meeting is scheduled Dec. 14. The public can access documents through BoardDocs and attend meetings online via a link on the district website.

After being elected president pro tempore, Director Ziad Munson, at top, second from right, oversees the election of officers at the Dec. 7 organizational meeting. press photo by ed courrier