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District receives health and safety grants


Special to The Press

At a recent board meeting, Dr. Anthony Naradko, director of district safety and security, reported Parkland has received $593,802 in grants relating to health and safety for use in the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school terms.

The largest amount, $488,230, came from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for expenses relating to COVID-19.

A grant of $14,317 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency was directed toward equipment purchases needed to make schools safer during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The amount of $22,868 from the Workforce Board of the Lehigh Valley, goes toward the purchase of Kajeets, devices which supply an Internet connection for students whose families do not have it.

Naradko also listed a grant of $43,387 from PCCD to purchase evacuation chairs and $25,000 from the Safe Schools Target Initiative Grant for elementary digital repeaters.

Naradko noted the district applied to PCCD for a $284,000 grant to help with salaries and benefits for elementary teachers engaged in virtual classrooms.

This grant has not yet been awarded.

In another matter, the board approved an agreement not to exceed $58,000 with Keystone Consulting Engineers for preparation and administration of a driveway and parking reconstruction project at the Parkway Manor Elementary School.

The work will improve the parent drop-off and pickup area at Parkway Manor.

On another topic, the board recognized Dr. Monica Ouly-Uhl, assistant principal at Orefield Middle School, who was awarded the 2020 Robert E. Lavely Assistant Principal of the Year Award from the Pennsylvania Principals Association.

Moving to personnel, the board approved an employment agreement between the school district and John Vignone, director of business administration, for a three-year term from Jan. 20, 2021, to Jan. 29, 2024.

Vignone has held the position since 2006.