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Township likely to hold line on taxes

Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners gathered virtually Dec. 7 for its final workshop meeting of the year. This is the board’s ninth month in a Webex meeting format.

Many of the bills discussed at this meeting focused on the upcoming year.

Bill No. 33 introduced the 2021 budget that will serve the township needs in the upcoming year.

Bill No. 34 established a fee schedule for municipal solid waste collection.

Bill No. 35 set a fixed real estate tax rate for 2021.

There is no proposed increase in the township real estate tax for 2021. It will remain at 3.8 mills.

The vote on the 2021 budget is expected at the Dec. 14 meeting.

There was discussion surrounding Bill No. 37, which requested the deferral of a sidewalk installation along West Coplay Road and Ruch Street - specifically for 5305 W. Coplay Road property - that would stretch out 1,400 feet.

Commissioner President Philip Ginder noted this is a high-traffic area, especially during the weekend.

“You can see people standing, trying to get across Ruch Street,” he said.

His point was met with agreement and some possible solutions from several board members, including Secretary Thomas Slonaker and Commissioners Michael Dee and Jeffrey Warren. The group suggested the addition of flashing lights at the cross path, similar to those found by St. John’s United Church of Christ on Grape Street.

Township Engineer Frank Clark pointed out the installation at Grape Street cost the township approximately $50,000, so the board would need to locate funding for this. One thing the board agreed on is that pedestrian safety is the first priority and, with that, they said they will continue to seek a resolution to this issue.

Whitehall Township Fire Chief David Nelson approached the board to discuss Bill No. 38, which requested an update on fire codes. Nelson is looking to upgrade the department’s International Fire Code from the 2000 model to 2015.

He explained the International Fire Code is updated every two to three years to coincide with building construction and, with the board’s approval, the update would be “modernizing our fire code,” he said.

Resolution No. 31 approved the emergency operations plan for Whitehall.

While the board did not add any additional comments, they did acknowledge Christopher Grim and his team for the phenomenal job of putting this plan together. Bureau Chief Lee Rackus put the spotlight on Grim, noting a plan like this requires diligence, a lot of attention to detail and countless time and energy to complete. Ginder, Nelson and Mayor Michael Harakal Jr. all chimed in with words of appreciation for Grim.

The board also discussed zoning ordinances and the future of MacArthur Road, specifically the issue of sidewalks.

Commissioners will meet 7 p.m. Dec. 14 via Webex. For viewing instructions, visit Whitehall Township’s website before the meeting.