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Lower Macungie residents raise concerns at Nov. 19 meeting

The Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners met Nov. 19 where several residents expressed some concerns about issues in the township.

One resident expressed concern about new residents in his development. The new arrivals come with more cars than the usual as extended families add to the development. The development is at Aster and Buttercup roads.

The resident asked if there were ordinances for sidewalks and parking and if not, he asked for them to be considered.

There is an issue regarding water during storms in the same area. Water levels during a heavy storm are a concern and there are debris dams nearby. It was recommended they be removed.

Another resident spoke about his concerns as a landlord. If a tenant leaves without paying the utilities, it is not the responsibility of the landlord to pay the amount. This was not handled as such and will be researched.

Another resident spoke of major traffic jams at Sauerkraut Lane and Willow Lane. The intersection does not have a left turn lane and traffic backs up. It was suggested motorists pass on the right via the shoulder but it was then mentioned this actually is illegal.

The resident suggested looking into a left turn lane. Since this is a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation road, changes would have to be approved by the state. It was also suggested a delayed green light be used or the new idea of a delayed yellow light.

A resident asked how petitions impact decisions. The commissioners said zoning laws can make some decisions difficult. Residents’ voices can make difference depending on the situation.

The commissioners accepted, with regret, the resignation of Frederick Leary from the environmental advisory committee. Leary has moved from the township.

The proposed disclosure ordinance was approved to be advertised. This ordinance states certain information should be made available upon the sale of a business property. This includes stormwater, easements, right-of-way and flood zone information.

Planning Director Nathan Jones announced several plans which will be discussed during the Dec. 8 planning committee meeting. This includes Shepherd’s Corner, a proposal of apartments next to Dries Do it center, residential lots at 3510 Macungie Road, a small subdivision on Graystone Drive, a conditional use for Macungie Manor and a conditional use for a car wash.

The 2021 budget is ready for advertisement and was approved to do so by the commissioners. There is no tax or sewer increase. The budget appears on the Lower Macungie website.

There was an executive board meeting involving pending litigation.