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Event continue to be canceled due to COVID-19

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s on to the December holidays. Like Thanksgiving, they may not be celebrated in the usual way this year, due to social distancing guidelines and concerns about the virus, but I hope you all will still keep the true meaning of the holidays in your hearts.

It seems the main news I’ve found for December has been about cancellations.

In Upper Milford, the recreation committee has canceled its meetings for December and January and February 2021. The next meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2021.

The Emmaus/Upper Milford Joint Advisory Council will not meet in December. There are currently three vacancies on that committee: two from Emmaus and one from Upper Milford.

The open space committee meetings have been canceled until further notice.

The Lower Lehigh AARP, which had already canceled its December meeting, has canceled its January and February 2021 meetings as well.

Faith Presbyterian Church, Emmaus, has canceled the Women of Faith Craft Fair for December. They will notify everyone when a decision is made regarding the December 2021 fair.

Upper Milford Western District Fire Company has canceled its breakfasts for the remainder of the year.

We recommend you check with the appropriate organizations close to the time for events or meetings, even if cancellations have not been announced.

The Upper Milford Recreation Committee will not meet in December.

The joint Environmental Advisory Council will not meet in December.

To the best of our knowledge, other township meetings in both Upper and Lower Milford are still scheduled. The Lower Milford Township budget, with no tax increase, will be approved at the Dec. 17 meeting, which begins 6:30 p.m. The budget is now available for review at the township building or on the township website.

Upper Milford supervisors are scheduled to meet 7 p.m. Dec. 3 and 17. They have been meeting in person and on Zoom.

Upper Milford is looking for a resident at large to serve on the open space committee, which meets the second Wednesday of the month. Contact the township office if you are interested.

The ladies auxiliary of Citizens Fire Company of Vera Cruz usually meets 7:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of the month at the Vera Cruz Fire Department Social Hall. The last Tuesday in December is Dec. 29. We haven’t been able to determine whether they will meet that day. For more information, email ladiesaux@vcfd28.com.

The Zionsville Area Food Pantry is a cooperative social ministry of several Zionsville and Upper Milford area churches. It is held at 5901 Kings Highway South, Old Zionsville, the second Monday of each month and the Wednesday and Saturday of the same week. Hours are 4-6 p.m. Monday and Wednesday and 10 a.m. to noon Saturday.

The pantry has modified its procedures to be safe for clients during this uncertain time. Cars are backed in under the Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church awning and bags filled with groceries are placed in the cars.

This is the last Upper and Lower Milford column I will be doing. After more than 10 years, I think it’s time to let someone else take over. April Peterson, who is the editorial assistant for the East Penn Press and Salisbury Press, will be doing the column. She can be reached at The Press office at 610-740-0944, ext. 3707, or by email apeterson@tnonline.com.

Editor’s Note: We thank Julie for her commitment to this column for so many years. She has done a wonderful job of keeping the community informed on meetings, happenings and events. We will miss her excellent reporting.