Thanksgiving is a holiday when we give thanks
For all we have
It’s not about the turkey,
Or the food that we will eat;
It’s about the world around us,
And the blessings we’ve received.
Think about the year that’s past;
All the people that you’ve met;
Some might be your best friends,
And some you will forget.
Be thankful for your findings
New people in your life!
Some people do not have a friend
And live a life of strife
Open your heart to strangers,
Share some time with them;
When your conversations over,
They will have a friend!
Now’s the time for family,
From near and from afar;
Let them know you love them,
No matter where they are.
Tell them you are thankful
And want them by your side;
So all your love and blessings
Could be greatly multiplied.
Share all of your stories;
Connect with them once more;
I’m sure each and every one
Has memories galore.
When the turkey’s ready and the stuffing overflows,
It’s time to stop the stories; to the kitchen you must go.
Enjoy a good and hearty meal;
Then chat with family and friends.
Enjoy your time together, for too soon it all will end.
Be thankful for the day you’ve shared,
Be grateful for the fun;
Be thankful for your family, each and every one.
Be grateful for our Lord above,
For blessing us with love;
And always thank our Holy One
For all he has done.
Shirley Binkley
Cedar View Apartments |