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Catasauqua High School moves to online instruction for one day before break

Catasauqua High School students began their Thanksgiving break with a virtual learning day Nov. 25. A notification was sent out from Catasauqua Area School District Superintendent Robert Spengler Nov. 24 about another confirmed positive COVID-19 case at CHS.

Two other confirmed cases at the high school were reported Nov. 18 and 20.

CHS Principal Adam Schnug reached out to students with an email and video announcement detailing expectations and scheduling information. Students followed the half-day bell schedule and accessed classes from home via the Internet.

Reportedly, this was CHS’ first virtual learning day of the year. School administration anticipated technological issues to arise and noted they would work with students and families as problems occurred.

CHS was closed Nov. 25-30 for Thanksgiving break. Students returned to in-person classes Dec. 1.

District administration informed families Dec. 1 of an additional case at CHS.

CHS administration reminded students that in today’s rapidly changing world, any day could be the last in the school building. Students are encouraged to keep their belongings with them and to take them home every day.

Additionally, families were notified Nov. 30 of a confirmed positive case at Catasauqua Middle School. An earlier case at CMS was reported Sept. 20.

Students, families and staff should avoid close contact with people who are sick, wash hands frequently, avoid touching faces, stay home if sick, cover faces if sneezing and coughing, disinfect frequently touched surfaces, practice social distancing and wear face masks.

Students should stay home if they are experiencing symptoms such as a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lack of smell or taste, sore throat, chills, muscle pain, headache, congestion or runny nose.

It is recommended people follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Pennsylvania Department of Health recommendations to contain the community spread of COVID-19.