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Women’s Empowerment series ends Dec. 2

The YWCA of Bethlehem has been hosting a three-part online series on Women’s Empowerment. The Nov. 4 session, “How to Be a Trigger-proof Professional (in a world full of button pushers),” dealt with conflict in the workplace, how we respond to it, and what emotional triggers are tripped by workplace conflict.

The presentation and discussion was led by Danielle N. Adam’s, PCC, Certified Coach from Queen Suite Personal and Professional Development. There were eight attendees. All attendees received a copy of “Dare to Lead,” by Brene Brown, either a physical book or an e-book version.

Danielle offered three workplace conflict scenarios to be considered. She explained that our response to conflict can vary in complexity and maturity. She said there are seven levels of response. She covered the first four during the session.

Each session had a different topic, and while the content is related, each session was a complete lesson on its own.

Attendees were invited to share their personal responses to conflict, and match them to the levels of response as described in the session.

A second session, “Leading Powerful Change,” took place Nov. 18. The final session, Emotional Intelligence, will be Dec. 2. To register, send an email to info@ywcabethlehem.org.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LANI GOINS Danielle N. Adam's, PPC, Certified Coach, Queen Suite Coaching, is leading the Bethlehem YWCA's Women's Empowerment discussion series.
An anonymous quote Danielle N. Adam shares describes an important concept for handling workplace (and personal) conflict.